could be a biggest social media web site with uncountable daily users
however the superb accept Facebook is, all Fb tricks and facts like
Facebook chat code tricks however there area unit several spam which can
attack your account however we offer solely safest thanks to relish
Facebook. If you\'ve got doubt associated with security thus do not
enables you to to compromise your account should scan my opinion
concerning create FB Account Secure and Increase FB Account Protection.
Now here new safest tricks to make single Facebook account. As per rule
it is not possible to Make account on Facebook without Last name
because it is against the policies of Facebook. But if you want to make
your Facebook profile with First name without using last name then
simply follow my given steps.
Note:- After few months of successful working of this trick. Now few days back Facebook starts blocking this Ip address for many countries and places. So i don't guaranteed about it, So please try it i hope its may work at your place.
This trick is working for Mozilla Firefox so try it on Mozilla.
- Firstly Change your Browser Proxy Manually use one of the proxy from below given.
Search any Indonesian proxies from Proxynova.com or any other site
PORT :- 8080
PORT :- 8080
- Then Save Your Settings.
- Now Open your Facebook Account Name Settings.
- Change your language from English (us) to Bahasa Indonesia
- Then Simply remove Your Last Name And Save it.
- Now Your Facebook Account is only with First Name Without Last Name.
- After Completing all steps remove Manual Proxy and select use system proxy settings and change change your language back to English (us)
- Firstly Open your Facebook account settings then change proxy because sometime after changing proxy their will be error in log in account
- Please Don't Forget To Remove Proxies After Using. So if you want to enjoy this tricks for long time. Always Remove Proxies :)
If you are feeling that this trick is not working or fake and here is proof for you of my account with single name see here
This is very nice site of all Fb tricks and facts like Facebook chat code tricks however there area unit several spam which can attack your account however we offer solely safest thanks to relish Facebook.